
Install the application on your platform with the following instructions.


The app requires macOS 10.14 or above.

Homebrew installation

Homebrew is an open source package manager for macOS that supports simple macOS application management. You can learn more about it at

macOS users can install, upgrade, and uninstall Slice with Homebrew and the Source Foundry taproom.

Use the following commands to install:

1brew tap source-foundry/taproom
2brew update
3brew install --cask sourcefoundry-slice

Upgrade to new Slice versions with:

1brew upgrade sourcefoundry-slice

Homebrew will update Slice to new releases during the brew update && brew upgrade process. Use brew upgrade sourcefoundry-slice to upgrade the Slice application only.

Use the following command to uninstall:

1brew uninstall sourcefoundry-slice

macOS dmg Installer

Download the latest macOS dmg installer in our Releases.

Launch the installer and acknowledge the license during the install process. Drag and drop the bundle into your Applications directory when the installer prompts you to do so. Open Launchpad and launch Slice by clicking the icon.

Repeat the process with a new repository release installer to upgrade to a new Slice release.

Drag the bundle from the Applications directory to the Trash to uninstall.


Download the latest Windows .exe installer in our Releases.

Launch the installer, acknowledge the license, and follow the instructions. You will have the option to set a desktop icon during installation. Following installation, type "Slice" in the Win 10 Search bar or click the desktop icon to launch the application.


Run from source

This is the recommended approach on Linux distributions because it uses our tested build dependency versions.

Clone the repository with:

1git clone

Create a Python 3.6+ virtual environment with:

1cd Slice
2python3 -m venv .venv

Install the required build dependencies with:

1source .venv/bin/activate
2pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the application with:

1make run

Install from PyPI

You can install Slice with the pip package manager using the Python Package Index distribution. This approach does not take advantage of the tested dependency versions and is not recommended but is available for users who want to live on the wild side easy access.

Install with Py3.6+ pip using:

1pip install slicegui

Run with:


Linux packages

Arch Linux users can install the slice AUR package.